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Last Date Updated17/Nov/2023 4:51
Training InstitutionNATO - School Oberammergau (NSO)
DisciplineEducation, Training, Exercises & Evaluation (ETE)
AreaNATO Military Workforce (MW)
Level of Proficiency300 - Independent
NATO Course CertificationListed

Course CodeETE-MW-3865
Course TitleNATO & Partner Chaplain Operations Course
ETF Course CodeM4-37
Delivery MethodResidential
Course DescriptionTo enable NATO and Partner military chaplains to perform cooperative ministry and religious advisory duties in a combined joint theatre of operations.
Course NotesFor further information (e.g. list of eligibility requirements) please refer to the full course description via the above given web link.

Performance Objectives
No.Performance Objective (Performance Statement)Task Performance Statement (TRA)
1 Identify the role of Chaplain as a Command advisor within a national and NATO context.
2 Implement ethical principles and ministerial practices in a NATO environment.
3 Provide care for the wounded, caregivers and self heal.
4 Advise the command on issues of morale affected by religion.

Course Language(s)

Active CourseYes
Course Active from01/Jan/2011
Course Deactivated on31/Dec/2027
Course Duration (in days)5.0

Training AudienceM: NATO, PfP, MD, ICI and other nations as approved
ePrime Reference NumberACT.181

Tuition Fee per Student (Euro)550.00
Fees for Accommodation and Meals (Euro)0.00

Payment Authority

Level 1 EvalNo
Level 2 TestNo
Two Step Application Override (Reqs approval for applying into Iteration)No
Request for ETOC ActivationNo
Requires Secure AccessNo