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Last Date Updated11/Apr/2024 7:04
Training InstitutionExplosive Ordnance Disposal COE (EOD COE)
DisciplineMilitary Engineering (MEG)
AreaEOD (EO)
Level of Proficiency300 - Independent
NATO Course CertificationNATO Approved

Course CodeMEG-EO-31778
Course TitleHomemade Explosives Basic (HME-B)
Delivery MethodResidential
Course DescriptionThe HMEC-B covers the whole process required to produce specific homemade explosives (HME), from acquiring precursors up to the final manufacture.

Aim of the CourseThe aim of the HMEC-B is to educate the target audience about the fundamentals of identification of individual precursors that are regularly used in the process of manufacturing of Homemade Explosives (HMEs).
Performance Objectives
No.Performance Objective (Performance Statement)Task Performance Statement (TRA)
1 ELO #1: Explain properties of HME and precursors. ELO #2: Examine the HME challenges. ELO #3: Describe the characteristics of HME laboratories.

Course Language(s)

Active CourseYes
Course Active from28/Oct/2014
Course Deactivated on01/Dec/2025
Course Duration (in days)3.0
Joining Instructions

Training AudienceP: NATO and PfP Nations

Tuition Fee per Student (Euro)70.00

Payment Authority

Course Application AuthorityDirector of EOD COE
Annual Average of Attendance last 5 years60

Level 1 EvalNo
Level 2 TestNo
Two Step Application Override (Reqs approval for applying into Iteration)No
Request for ETOC ActivationYes
Requires Secure AccessNo