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Last Date Updated25/Aug/2022 10:27
Training InstitutionBaltic Defence College
DisciplineEnergy Security (EGY)
AreaEnergy Security (ES)
Level of Proficiency300 - Independent
NATO Course CertificationNATO Approved

Course CodeEGY-ES-35433
Delivery MethodResidential
Course DescriptionThe Operational Level Energy Security Course is offered by the Baltic Defence College , Tartu, in cooperation with the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence for (ENSEC COE), beginning in 2019 with the aim to create factual baseline knowledge of energy security awareness, Critical Energy Infrastructure Protection (CEIP) and energy efficiency in the military operations for the participants.This course fulfils the need for an operational focus on global energy developments and also offers a venue for sharing best practices and discussing areas where NATO can provide added value: the role of new technologies in enhancing energy efficiency in the military, with a focus on cultural change; advancing regional cooperation and interoperability; and supporting the protection of critical energy infrastructure.

Aim of the CourseTo apply Energy Security factors relevant to NATO by introducing the fundamentals and analysing energy security developments in the current geopolitical situation and their potential impacts on Alliance security and military operations at the operational level.
Performance Objectives
No.Performance Objective (Performance Statement)Task Performance Statement (TRA)
1 1.Analyse energy security developments and their potential impact on military operations. 2.Analyse risks to Critical Energy Infrastructure (CEI) by focusing on the entire energy system. 3.Apply innovative energy efficiency approaches to improve NATO capabilities.

Course Language(s)

Active CourseYes
Course Active from14/Mar/2022
Course Deactivated on14/Mar/2030
Course Duration (in days)5.0
Joining InstructionsNext convening 20 - 24 March 2023. Email Point of Contact for Application. Joining Instructions will be provided upon acceptance of application.

Training AudienceP: NATO and PfP Nations

Tuition Fee per Student (Euro)0.00
Fees for Accommodation and Meals (Euro)0.00

Payment Authority
Email[email protected]
Phone number372 617 6424

Course Application AuthorityBaltic Defence College

Level 1 EvalNo
Level 2 TestNo
Two Step Application Override (Reqs approval for applying into Iteration)No
Request for ETOC ActivationYes
Requires Secure AccessNo