The Organisation and Primary Post fields are autocomplete and associated with each other. If you are requested to enter your organisation, you can choose either to select this first and then your primary post or vice versa. If you know and have to enter your organisation then please click the 'Edit/Choose Organisation' button. System will display the tree view of the organisation structure where you can choose the appropriate organisation structure. If you are not filling a NATO PE/CE post then type in NATO in the Primary Post field and select any one of the three generic posts (NATO International Civilian, NATO Military and NON-NATO) from the autocomplete list. If you know your PE/CE post number or name (e.g. NSO XJX 0020 - Senior SO-1 (Joint)), start typing any remembered sequence of characters from your PE/CE post number or name. (*) If you are filling a NATO PE/CE post but do not know your NATO post, please type NATO and select one of the two options (NATO International Civilian or NATO Military) from the autocomplete list. (*) E.g. SO-1 if your post is NSO XJX 0020 - Senior SO-1 (Joint). System will display an autocomplete list of posts including the characters you entered. Choose the appropriate post from the list. System will automatically populate the organisation field based on the location of the selected primary post.
To search for an organisation, enter the organisation name in the search field and click on the magnifier sign to localise this organisation within the tree. Click on the highlighted desired organisation combination and click the Select Organisation button to choose it. Alternatively, navigate within the organisation tree to manually find the organisation, click on the desired organisation and click Select Organisation button to choose the organisation.